단일카메라를 이용한 3차원 합성 안정화

증강현실(Augmented Reality)은 3차원 가상물체(Virtual Object)를 비디오 영상과

  • Introduction

3D virtual objects are registered in a video sequence. For stable registration, the video camera’s pose should be accurately estimated. Otherwise, the virtual objects’ registration look awkward and unstable due to the mis-alignment between the real scene and the virtual objects. To solve the problem, we propose a 3D stabilization technique based on Visual SLAM. The pose of the camera is estimated and 3D scene points are generated simultaneously. In result, the virtual 3D objects are registered to the scene in very stable condition.

  • Particle filtering
  • Particle weighting
  • Scene generation
  • Real-time VSLAM
  • Demo video

    – Virtual object in the origin: download(WMV, 29MB)
– Virtual object in the scene: download(WMV, 27MB)